dimecres, 26 de maig del 2010

One of the best singers of the whole world:Beyoncé

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles, (n. On September 2, 1981; Houston, Texas), known simply as Beyoncé, she is a singer of R*B, composer, record producer and American actress. It jumped to the reputation at the end of the 90 as the principal singer of the successful group Destiny's Child. Together with Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams it has sold more than 50 million discs in the whole world. During Destiny's Child's temporary rest, in June, 2003 his album threw début as soloist, Dangerously in Love, giving place to the singles number one Crazy in Love and Baby Boy. The disc turned into one of the álbumes with more success of this year gaining 5 Prizes Grammy during an alone night (year 2004). Beyoncé imposed new record in the Grammys 2010 being rewarded by 6 of 10 prizes whom he was choosing.
Destiny's Child's definitive dissolution in 2005 facilitated the continuation of his success: his second album published in solitarily, B'Day, in 2006, which was containing the world success Irreplaceable. His third album, I Am... Sasha Fierce, was thrown in November, 2008, consolidating his international success and generating numbers 1 in the lists of sales with titles as If I Were to Boy, Single Ladies (Put to Ring on It) or I pull.
The sales of Knowles's discs, combined with the obtained ones for Destiny's Child, have overcome 100 million units.

In 2009, Forbes enumerated Knowles in the fourth place of the list of the 100 most powerful and influential celebrities in the world, third in the list of the most successful musicians and the number one in the list of the famous ones better paid by virtue of his 87 million dollars in earnings between 2008 and 2009.
The success of his discs like soloist has established it as one of the most comm
ercial artists in the industry of the music, and has expanded his career to act and to endorse products. His career like actress began in the year 2001 appearing in the musical one of the movie Carmen: To Hip Hopera. In 2006, it led the principal paper in the adjustment of the movie of the Broadway's musical one of 1981 Dreamgirls, for which Golden Globe obtained two nominations.

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